
Friday, August 30, 2013

At the Market, Segovia, Spain

We love to visit local markets when we travel.  The colors, sounds, smells - markets are such a sensory experience.    The herb vendor was the very first booth we saw at this market in Segovia, Spain.  She had all her herbs bagged up and accessories like strainers, mortar and pestles and bottles available as well.  I particularly loved the brass distiller.
Colorful flowers and mounds of gorgeous local grown garlic!

And of course in Spain, the olives, oh my,  all sizes, all colors, stuffed, pitted, name an olive and it was there.
Bags and bags of nuts.  And the notions! Multiple booths with sewing supplies.  



  1. Looks beautiful. Local is always best no matter where local maybe.

  2. How amazing. I went the market in Israel and they had the numerous olives like you say but never sewing supplies or tea gadget booths!

  3. What a treat. I do love the markets when traveling.

  4. Hey, We have been checking out your blog and we must say that we are very impressed. It's really great.

    We have particularly been following your posts about Segovia as we visited there too. We have even written a guide, which you can check out here: We would love your feedback and any tips, information, advice that you might have would be warmly appreciated.

    Keep up the good work!

    Ania & Jon


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.