
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Shortbread Cookies

Shortbread Cookies
1 c. butter
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2-1/2 c. flour
Cream butter and sugar. Add vanilla. Add flour, blending in the last of it with your hands if necessary. Roll dough 1/2 inch thick and cut into desired shape* using your favorite cookie cutter. Prick cookie all over with the tines of a fork. Place on ungreased cookie sheet and let cookies 'rest' ten minutes before baking. Bake at 275 degrees for 30 - 45 minutes. Watch carefully during the last 15 minutes. Cool thoroughly and store in an airtight container.
Yield: approx. 24 - 2" cookies.

*Note: We have an adorable set of 3 graduated tea pot shaped cookie cutters for sale online. We also have coffee pot cookie cutters. Visit our online shop, the coffee pot cutters are at the top of the page but please scroll down a little further to find the tea pot cookie cutters.


  1. These cookies are extra specially yummy when cut out in a teapot shape! :-)

  2. These cookies are extra specially yummy when cut out in a teapot shape! :-)

  3. I usually cheat and make shortbread in a shortbread pan, but this recipe sounds easy enough that I may have to give it a try to "freestyle" some shortbread!

  4. Been thinking it is about time for some shortbread cookies. Yummmm!


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