
Friday, April 11, 2014

Tea Time Magazine - May/June 2014

This was the scene in Sweet Remembrances a few months ago when photographer John O'Hagan visited the tea room for a photo shoot for Tea Time magazine.

Flash forward to the most recent May/June 2014 issue, and this is the end result: a beautiful six-page spread featuring seven tea rooms in southeastern Pennsylvania, including Sweet Remembrances.

It is such an honor to be included in this national magazine devoted to everything tea. In addition to congratulatory phone calls and private email messages from friends and tea room guests, several of my blogging friends have shared their enthusiasm for this article: Linda, at Friendship Tea Blog shared earlier this month, while Angela at Tea with Friends shared most recently. Phyllis posted her thoughts on her blog Relevant Tea Leaf.

If you would like to see a few additional photos that were captured by the photographer, check out this slide show at Tea Time magazine.

A special thank you to Linda and Angela - they both suggested a visit to Sweet Remembrances when editor Lorna Reeves inquired about tea rooms in PA. A sincere thank you to Tea Time editor Lorna Reeves, to senior photographer John O'Hagan, and to writer Karen Callaway for including our little corner of the world in this Hoffman Media publication.


  1. You are welcome! I am so happy for you!

  2. Very special! So happy for you...

  3. Oh how wonderful! Congratulations! I will look for the article!

  4. They did such a great job, and I feel like a proud mama at seeing "my" friend included!

  5. I must add my congratulations to the list. How special to be included in Tea Time. You can definitely be proud.


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