
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

This photo shows a section of my kitchen windowsill where a few of dad's toy vehicle collection now reside. Dad loved toy cars of all sizes - he would purchase them and then anxiously await their arrival, frequently asking: 'Did my toys come today?'. It was like Christmas, only year round - waiting, anticipating, and then great joy upon opening and reopening the box. When someone would come visit, he would ask, 'do you want to see my cars?'. Friends and visitors would oblige, and share in his enthusiasm of the growing collection. Then he would ask, 'What am I going to do with all these cars? Do you want to sell some in the tea room?' We'd chuckle that they didn't really belong in the tea room - but here they are... in the tea room kitchen as a reminder of those conversations and his pleasure in collecting toy cars. We took the majority of his toy cars to the memorial service so that friends and neighbors could select one of dad's cars as a sweet remembrance of their friendship. He would be happy to know that his toy cars have found good homes. Happy Father's Day, Dad! Speaking on behalf of your four daughters, we love you, and we miss you dearly.


  1. What a lovely way to remember your Dad and honor his memory!

  2. What a sweet remembrance of your special dad. I do remember that you gave cars at his memorial. I just know those that received will treasure his cars.


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