
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

John Harney - 1930 - 2014

The tea world lost a great leader earlier this week. John Harney, of Harney & Sons passed away Tuesday afternoon. He was very influential in the world of tea, starting with humble beginnings as he blended tea in his basement to having built a successful world renown tea business. John was an affable man, a kind gentleman, pleased to make your acquaintance and always so willing to guide you in selecting a tea you would enjoy. In 2005, The Rosemary House conducted a traveling herb seminar that included a stop at their family business in Millerton, NY. We were greeted by Mr. Harney himself and led on a tour of their factory. He was eager to share the fancy equipment and state of the art tea processing techniques. It was a memorable visit, and he was all too happy to take a photo with our family. A family man himself, it is a joy to know that the business he established will be carried on by his sons and grandson.

Susanna and I again had the privilege to reconnect with John Harney at the World Tea East Expo in Philadelphia in 2012. Master Tea Blenders, they are purveyors of a wide variety of excellent teas. We are pleased to serve Harney teas in Sweet Remembrances and to have them for sale in The Rosemary House. John Harney will long be remembered for his contribution to the resurgence of the popularity of tea in this country and abroad. His influence was far reaching with beautiful tributes being shared worldwide. Bruce Richardson of Elmwood Inn Fine Teas wrote an eloquent tribute to this gentle man. His smiling face and genteel personality will be sadly missed by many, but his legacy will live on, and his memory will hold a special place among tea lovers. Rest in Peace, John Harney.


  1. Very sad to see this as am a big fan of their teas and have had tea in their salon in NYC. He left a great legacy for sure.

  2. Sad to hear it. I didn't know him, but his tea is my favorite (Earl Grey Surpreme). I remember my niece age 4 at my wedding reception coming over to tell me her "secret". I have to laugh when I recall her excitement of shopping in Harney's tea shop for a gift for us and how she couldn't wait to tell me all about it. Her first tea shoppe experience, and since then has been there many times. Sending prayers to Mr. Harney's family and friends.

  3. A lovely tribute, Nancy, and how wonderful that you got to see him within the last few years. I, too, appreciate so much all that he contributed to the world of tea, and I have no doubt the Harney family will do him proud as they carry on his legacy.

  4. Lovely tribute for a very special man. I mentioned to tea friends that he was a champion to tea dreamers. I was so thrilled to be on the particular herb tour where John gave us the tour. It was a very special treat each time I got to be in his presence. His kind heart will be missed.


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