
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Campbell Collection of Soup Tureens at Winterthur

The Campbell Collection of Soup Tureens are on display in the Dorrance Gallery, named after John Dorrance, Chairman of the Campbell Soup Company. In 1966 he began amassing this collection of soup tureens that range from 1720 to modern times. By the early 1990's, his collection was so great, it was determined that they should be contributed to a museum where they would be catalogued, appropriately cared for, and displayed.

Soup has long bean a simple staple food. Although it began with humble origins, being cooked in a single pot over an open hearth, it has evolved into the use of the soup tureen, which eventually developed into a means of expressing the wealth and fashionable taste of the owner.
 This earthenware tureen was made in Staffordshire, England around 1840.

 This porcelain tureen was made at the Chelsea factory in London, England, around 1755. In a bill of sale, it was described as "A very curious Tureen in the form of a Boar's head and a very beautiful Dish... with proper ornaments." This happens to be Susanna's favorite!
 Shown here is a Rococo porcelain tureen made in Worcester, England, about 1770.

This large, heavy, and extravagant gilded brass tureen exhibits the baroque style in early eighteenth-century Europe, probably made in Paris for a wealthy, fashionable family, it dates to about 1725. This might just be Nancy's favorite tureen! Love the flourishes, finials, and feet, designed to deliberately draw attention and admiration!

This Porcelain swan tureen was made at the Meissen factory, Germany, after 1774. It is one of a pair of swan tureens.
This is just a mere sampling of the many soup tureens that are on display.
But, aren't they fun!


  1. Well, what an absolutely perfect item for the soup magnate to collect! And should they ever have a garage sale, I will fight neither you nor Susanna (!) for your favorites but shall instead go straight for the Rococo porcelain model!

  2. Beautiful soup tureens! I have several 1990's turkey tureens but I stopped collecting them because they are difficult to store, and all the crevices are time consuming to clean. Maybe in a couple hundred years they'll be worth something!


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