
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Costumes of Downton Abbey - Downstairs

Early last year, when a California friend shared that the costumes of Downton Abbey would be on display at Winterthur, DE, we immediately made plans to schedule a bus group to attend this special exhibit. It was a well executed exhibit, and well attended too. There were many explanatory placards associated with each display. In the background there were either huge photo displays of a specific scene and then the accompanying outfit worn in that scene, or there was a large screen with a running episode. There was a lot to take in. It was amazing to see the attention to detail in each costume, from the buttons to the lace embroidery, to the fine edging details. The costumers for the show have seven weeks to pull together the costumes for the entire season. It was noted that many of the costumes begin with an actual vintage piece, perhaps a section of beading or a square of lace. The costume is then crafted around the vintage section they have on hand.

 The lace detail on this pristine white apron captured my attention.

 And of course the kitchen scenes are fun, a lot of work and a lot of gossip take place in this little corner.


  1. This would be a fun exhibit to see. Love the details on the costumes too.

  2. Just seven weeks? I simply cannot imagine pulling all this together in such a short time. Mercy!


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