
Monday, January 5, 2015

National Hot Tea Month

January marks the beginning of both the new year and National Hot Tea Month. A month long celebration of tea drinking (well really, who are we kidding, we celebrate for twelve months). In our family, we have an 11 year old non-tea-drinker that has been counting down the days to his 12th birthday ever since the first 'Happy New Year' was exclaimed (24 more days in case you were wondering). Here's hoping your new year is joyful, your resolutions hold fast, and you take time for tea during this extra special tea drinking month.


  1. I agree...EVERY month is Hot Tea month!!!

  2. I can just imagine how excited that 11 year old will be when he turns 12. I'll happily celebrate Hot Tea Month with you all year!

  3. Yes, to a year of tea-celebrations!

  4. Sending best wishes to Cedar! And happy tea drinking to the rest of you.

  5. Totally agree with you that we celebrate this all year long! Ha!


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