
Friday, February 27, 2015

Mrs. Reppert's Herb Bag

An astute Internet friend (Thanks, Dianne) alerted us to this little stitchery kit available on several craft sites. She noticed the name connection in the written description and put two and two together. This bag was designed by Sharon at The Purple Thread. According to the package description, Sharon dedicated this sweet little project to our mother, and her 'favorite shop-lady, Mrs. Reppert who opened her lovely herb shop, the Rosemary house, in Mechanicsburg, PA in 1968'.     This sweet project is approx. 3-1/2 inches square and is worked in over dyed cottons on R & R 30ct Old Mill Java linen. It is finished into a little fabric bag, suitable to hold fragrant herbs. The complete kit includes the chart, threads, linen, beads buttons and ribbons, and the lining and backing fabrics necessary to complete the project. The following information is included along inside the package:

"Bertha Reppert was a brilliant, fun, kind woman. She founded The Rosemary Shop in Mechanicsburg, Pa. in 1968. For many years when I was making an Herb Wreath or just wanted some lovely scented oils, I would go to her shop. Mrs. Reppert was a world renowned herb expert and has been referenced in many books on the subject. Her family continues the shop and it is pure delight to visit. There are events every month during the year from creating your own Fairy Garden to creating your own Herb Charts! Visit their web site and if you are ever in the area visit the shop. This little bag is for you to fill with fragrant herbs and hang on a door or window to brighten your day and a way for me to honor another woman!"

You can purchase this little herbal tribute at The Silver Needle (scroll down about 12 projects) and also on House of Stitches, or perhaps at your local craft shop.
Thank you, Dianne, for sharing this with us! What a fun little discovery with a lovely tribute to mom, the shop, and her love of herbs. She touched many with her compassion and energy and her desire to share her enthusiasm about herbs.


  1. What a truly lovely way to honor the friendship she had with your mother! It's beautiful!

  2. I love the embroidered bag, but made more special for honoring your mom.


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