
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wild Women Tea Lady Pin

Another fun little surprise gift from a tea room customer - this spunky little handcrafted tea lady pin easily puts a smile on everyone's face! Wild Women! The card that was tucked in the box explains that laughter is a great blessing in life... good for the heart and soul. I must admit, there was a touch of laughter when I first saw this colorful pin with the dangly legs and golden locks. And I just love her tea pot and cup! Created in an art studio in Gaithersburg, MD, you can find a wide variety of specialty Wild Women Pins. Here's the link to Wild Women Pins specifically for this clever little tea mistress. Thank you, R.C.!


  1. Catching up on blog reading today. Cute pin! Just shorten the hair a little and "she" will be the real YOU. *LOL*

  2. That is darling ... and her hairstyle reminds me of my own first thing in the morning. ;)

  3. This pin does make me smile. How fun to wear as a Wild Woman creation.


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