
Friday, May 29, 2015

Fairy Doors - Do you believe?

Bring a little magic into your garden with some clever and unique fairy doors! We've tucked a few fairy portals throughout the herb gardens, waiting to be discovered by the fairies and those who believe. Tucked in among the ivy, isn't this just the perfect spot for this ceramic door?

This little handcrafted door needs to be protected from the elements, so it's nestled back in this concrete perch among the flower pots.

 An old tree stump provides the perfect spot for a small fairy door, one of our newest acquisitions. Old tree bark provides a rooftop and a walkway to the fairy door. If you build it, they will come!

 Look closely and another fairy door can be discovered in the children's corner of the gardens. This whimsical portal is affixed to the play fort. Did you know that only faerie magic can open a faerie door? Here the faerie's will have a helping hand with the many kids that entertain themselves in the play fort.

Can you spot the fairy door nestled among the ivy and branches of this old evergreen? Look closely!

 Do you?


  1. Yes, I believe for I have fairies in my garden too. Love your doors.

  2. I certainly do! And please tell all the fairies I said hello!

  3. Love the fairy doors, and the fairy cakes! Such fun! I enjoyed reading about them!

    Thank you for looking at my grandson's wedding pictures and for your sweet comments!



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