
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Just a Taste!

As the youngest of 4 daughters, this sculpture rung a bell for me. Wherever ice cream was concerned, my older sisters had two tricks up their sleeves. Trick number one, they would always want 'just a taste' and trick number two, on hot summer days, with the ice cream quickly melting down the cone, they would eagerly offer to "Just let me lick the drips". With 3 older sisters "just licking the drips", I was lucky to get some ice cream.....
Even after Susanna caught on to the 'just a taste' request and the 'let me lick the drips' scheme, the ice cream woes continued. While the older sisters were all away at college, and the youngest was home alone with mom and dad, they would each have their own carton of ice cream in the freezer, back in the day when a half gallon was really a full half gallon! Mom would choose black cherry, dad favored rum raisin, and Susanna would select chocolate marshmallow. Can you guess which one was enjoyed by the sisters when they came home for the weekend!?


  1. All these sculptures are so special! Great fun!

  2. Of course the chocolate marshmallow.

  3. Sounds like everything all evened out in the end! Ha!


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