
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spring Violets

There are many reasons why this is one of our favorite times of the year, but in particular, we are most happy to see the early spring violets open with the warmth of the sun. In the tea room, we love to garnish with them as they add such a pop of color and delight to whatever tea time treat they are gracing. Most tea room guests will first ask 'are they edible' before wholeheartedly chomping down on the violet while a few others will timidly nibble on a petal and there are always a few that will carefully pluck the flower from the food and gently set it aside on the plate. Where do you stand on sampling fresh edible flowers?
(Click on the photo to enlarge it!)


  1. Beautiful food photos....
    I always enjoy an edible flower whether fresh, sugared or candied.

    I used my violet china today for a small tea party and it does indeed feel like Spring!

  2. What beautiful food and the violets are so pretty embellishing everything!

  3. I love putting violets on tea food, but the ones I use don't last long in the garden. We have others growing around trees, but not sure the dogs in the neighborhood haven't enjoyed watering them. I usually end up buying edible flowers if I am using them.

  4. Oh, shoot, I'll sample pretty much anything in the world of food and drink, so I'd have to nibble the pretty petals!


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