
Friday, June 26, 2015

National Cream Tea Day

Two British companies, Rodda vendors of Cornish clotted cream and Tiptree fruit growers and preservers have teamed together to proclaim June 26th as National Cream Tea Day in England. Let's not limit this to a national event, but consider making this celebration international. Pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy some scones slathered with cream first and then jelly or embellished with jelly first and then cream.  Either way, be certain to enjoy a scone today! A Cream Tea is less fuss than a full Afternoon Tea but certainly not any less enjoyable. With a friend or solo, enjoy this truly British experience of taking tea and savoring a scone laden with cream and jelly. If you want to read about the proper way to enjoy a cream tea, follow this link.


  1. I am ready to celebrate! I learned about Rhodda's Clotted Cream on our family's 2008 trip to Cornwall and Devon. It has a deep yellow crusty top. You just eat that along with the rest of clotted cream in the container.

  2. Now that is a fun celebration. I have been enjoying scones and jam for breakfast with my tea the past few days. Always a special treat.


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