
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Tale of Two Adventures, Minehead

After a day of sightseeing, we headed towards the western coast of England, and lodged overnight in Minehead, near Exmoor National Park. Our horsey fanatic had reservations at Exmoor Riding in the morning. We traveled down a long and narrow road until we reached the old farmhouse and barn.

Angelica was happy doing what she loves - getting Pebbles ready for a ride. She was the only one in our group riding as the barn requires you to be able to walk-trot-canter with experience. That left all of us standing on the sidelines. She didn't seem to have a problem with that - and they were off for a two hour adventure riding the challenging terrain of the moorlands and countryside of England. She loved it!
The rest of us wiled away our two hours following a footpath to the beach overlooking Bristol Channel and later, at a tea room.

Cedar was excited to discover and eager to explore the WWII pillboxes that were still standing high above the beach. In 1940, in anticipation of a possible German invasion, these 'pillbox' defenses were built all over Britain. Of the 28,000 pillboxes that were hastily constructed, less than 6,000 remain. These stoic monuments stand as a tribute to the courage and tenacity of the British people.



  1. Your itinerary has something for everyone in the family!

  2. What a well planned stay! Love the area! My husband always planned golf at a links course when were able to...always in Devon & Cornwall. If I'd been with you I'd have been out on a horse too!

  3. I love that Angelica found horses to ride. The 2 hours must have been so wonderful. Then the rest of you also were able to enjoy the time too.


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