
Friday, August 14, 2015


Prior to our vacation,  David watched several TV programs devoted to England. After learning about the history surrounding the hippie town of Glastonbury, and discovering that it was within our travel route, it was quickly added to the itinerary. Glastonbury grew up around the monastery. The abbey was founded in the 7th century and destroyed by a fire in 1184. It was later rebuilt and by the 14th century was one of the most powerful monasteries in England. In 1539, King Henry VIII ordered the final destruction of the abbey during the Dissolution of the Monasteries. Only ruins remain of this magnificent structure, and as impressive as the ruins are, one can only imagine the grandeur of this abbey.


The abbey is said to be the burial place of King Arthur and this plaque marks the site of the tomb.
 We walked around the town, poking about the quirky shops vending gemstones, astrology books, and other unique objects. Was there a tea room you ask? Yes, yes there was. The Abbey Tea Rooms located very close to the Abbey, and we enjoyed tea there. More on that tomorrow!


  1. On my list! Thanks for scouting for me!

  2. Glastonbury is a very interesting place. We had lunch at the Abbey Tea Room on our last visit there.

  3. I like that you found this unusual tourist spot and also found a tea room.


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