
Monday, December 7, 2015

Pennsylvania Senator Visits The Rosemary House

Pennsylvania State Senator Pat Vance recently came to The Rosemary House to film the "Vance Report". She features shops, museums and other unique places to visit within her District. The Senator represents the 31st District which includes Cumberland and York County. The Rosemary House is located in Mechanicsburg, PA in Cumberland County. We were pleased to be one of the businesses recently featured in The Vance Report. Susanna chatted with Senator Vance about the shop, the gardens and some of the special events we hold here. The video, about 15 minutes in length, captures a beautiful glimpse into The Rosemary House. 

To watch the video, follow this link.

Screen shots from the video show Susanna and Senator Vance spending a few moments in the spa section of the shop (above) and in the fairy corner (left). 

There was also a quick stroll in the garden where Susanna spoke about the herb Rosemary, of course! Thank you, Senator Vance for sharing your experience at The Rosemary House!


  1. That was quite an honor - I know she loved it all!

  2. I am impressed! 15 minutes is a great amount of time for video coverage. Congratulations.

  3. OK, I just watched the whole segment and absolutely loved it! Susanna was such an easygoing tour guide and obviously knows her topic well enough to speak both knowledgeably and naturally. I found myself trying to look at every little thing, wherever the camera went, and I'm with the senator, it was almost too much to take in! Oh, I want to visit! I can just smell the herbs … and all the memories! I love, too, how your mother is such an integral part of everything, even today. Lovely, lovely. I guess I'll hush now, but I thoroughly enjoyed this visit. Kudos to your state senator for this unique way of spotlighting her constituents!

  4. Great segment! It's very cool that your state senator comes around to visit and learn about her constituents like that.

  5. What a nice tour with Senator Vance. Great to see you get the recognition.


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