
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Chocolate Puerh

As Hot Tea Month marches along, in an effort to whittle down the odd assortment of teas that typically get tossed into a basket and are later forgotten, I have made an unspoken resolution for the new year to consume the one-of-a-kind tea samples received at tea conferences or special events. As I have a tendency to reach for my 'go-to' black tea in the morning, this could prove to be an interesting month of tea tastings!
Today's tea is a Chocolate Puerh. According to the little paper attached to the sweet heart-shaped sample, it is from Cocoa Camellia, a company representing fine teas & chocolate. An Internet search of their website shows it is no longer active. Wonder where the sample came from, and how long I've had it! Puerh tea (pronounced pooh-air) is from the Yunnan Province in China. It is the most  oxidized black tea, and is aged to allow the flavors to mellow. Because of the aging process, a technique which is a well kept secret, this can be a highly desired and expensive tea. Once the leaves have aged, Puerh is frequently made into a compacted cake of tea. This small sample had loose Puerh leaves which I brewed for 5 minutes at 212 degrees. It yielded a very dark and hearty tea with strong cocoa notes. This aged Puerh has continued to mellow and produced an enjoyable mug of tea. 


  1. Thanks for the review. Would you believe I have not yet sampled Puerh? Well yes, that's probably not a surprise to you. :-)

  2. Wow! Just seeing it in the cup it looks like hot chocolate. Puerh can be a learned love, but some can be very good. Hope you enjoyed it.

  3. I like puerh tea, but I do understand that it can be an acquired taste. Totally understand your resolve to use up the sample teas, so this month could be a real teatime adventure!


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