
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Bas-il or Ba-sil

Whether you pronounce it Ba-sil or Bas-il, either is correct. I wouldn't be without it. I love this freshly planted basil garden with one each of 12 different varieties of basil. Mammoth Leaf, Sweet Basil, Lettuce Leaf Basil, Spicy Globe Basil, Greek Columnar Basil, Mini Basil, Thai Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Lemon Basil and then there are the purple varieties. Ideal for any dish that uses tomatoes, and perfect for traditional pesto, basil is one of our favorites. Basil is the perfect companion plant for tomatoes as it helps to keep away the nematodes.
For a clever drying technique, follow this link to an earlier post.


  1. Impressive basil garden. I am so glad I have the opportunity to learn about herbs (and more) through your blog!

  2. I would run out of ideas for that much basil for sure. We have one plant sitting in your kitchen window and one in the garden. Must make something soon with them.


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