
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Nanaimo Bars - iconic Canadian dessert

When preparations for this Canadian adventure were being made, and Nancy learned that the ferry would be taking us into Nanaimo, she mentioned that she wanted to try an authentic Nanaimo Bar. Are you familiar with them? or ever tasted one?                                                                                   According to history, the first published recipe appeared in a 1952 cookbook coordinated by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. The recipe is on display in the Nanaimo Museum. As with many recipes, several variations can be found as cooks like to tweak a recipe and make adjustments according to their tastes. 
The first time Nancy heard about Nanaimo Bars came from this recipe that appeared in The Bountiful Collection, a cookbook published by the Penn Cumberland Garden Club in 1980. Whenever she makes a recipe, she always pens a note about the overall success (or not) of the recipe. This one is marked, 'delicious! rich!'.
Then, with the arrival of the Internet, this recipe for Squamish bars was shared by Nancy, from BC, in an on-line tea-themed group. She posted that it 'might be my favorite bar and I make it at Christmas time. Again, it is very rich so I just cut it into smaller pieces. Enjoy this yummy! It also freezes well.' Another variation on the Nanaimo Bar but maintaining the basic concept: three layers a crispy bottom, soft icing filling, and a chocolate topping.

And this is the ultimate Nanaimo Bar recipe shared by Tourism Nanaimo. For a larger printed version, here's a PDF file, here.

Did you know that Nanaimo Bars were served at the White House State Dinner in 2016? Perhaps they'll be served in Sweet Remembrances one day soon!


  1. Sounds very yummy indeed! Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Yes, I believe I can see those on the menu at Sweet Remembrances.

  3. When I first heard of them I think it was from Nancy and maybe Val too. I did make them once upon a time, but need to do so again. Yummm!


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