
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Love chocolate? Love tea?

Who doesn't! Then let's pair the two together! One of the attendees at the Michigan Tea Tour, Teresa from Ohio, presented the most delightful program on Chocolate and Tea Tasting as our first official event. It was a great way to get to know the other participants on the tour, and a casual, fun and delicious way to enjoy the evening. 

Teresa paid attention to every single detail. The conference room table was laid out in a beautiful presentation that featured a fall theme with placemats, colorful paper leaves, blossoming green tea centerpieces, pen and paper, and crackers and water to cleanse the palate. A sweet assortment of tasting cups was placed in front of each participant. Doesn't this just look so inviting!
Phyllis, Barb, Judith

Joan, Lori, Teresa

The key to a chocolate and tea pairing session is quality chocolate and equally good quality tea. Teresa selected a variety of Stella Leona artisan chocolates from Ohio to be paired with tea sourced from several purveyors, Harney and Sons tea, Tea Haus, Simpson & Vail, and Fortnum & Mason. It is important to take lots of notes when tasting, and consider whether the tea and chocolate complement each other, enhance the flavor of both, or provide a unique contrast. There are no right or wrong answers!

The chocolate included (L - R), Mint Tea Truffle (made from decadent dark chocolate mixed with fresh cream infused with green tea and spearmint), Lavender Fields (a lavender infused ganache enrobed with dark chocolate and finished with lavender buds) and Honey Cinnamon Truffle (mouth watering honey cinnamon ganache center enrobed with milk chocolate and finished with a dusting of cinnamon).

Gloria, Joan

Each chocolate piece, cut into smaller sections, was then sampled with three distinct teas. They were compared and contrasted, ranked according to our personal preference, and discussed among each other. Some teas enhanced the chocolate, others overpowered the chocolate, and some produced a very floral combination that was appealing to some in the group, but not to others. We studied the dry leaf and the wet, steeped leaf. We admired the color of the teas, and we sipped and savored our way through a delicious event. Special thanks to Teresa for offering to present this program, for taking the time to tote all of the necessary equipment to Michigan, and for sharing her love of tea and chocolate with us.


  1. Looks like a wonderful event Nice teacups ♥

  2. Love your description of the tasting, Nancy!

  3. What a lovely tea tasting event that Teresa presented! I was so glad to meet you for tea at the Grand Hotel! I wish we would of had more time to get to know each other! You have a lovely blog!

  4. I best send my readers to your post for the details. lol My description was merely a few words and every time I read of Teresa's presentation on one of our blogs I remember how much I enjoyed it.

  5. Great post Nancy, with lots of details tha I didn't cover on my post.

  6. I would have totally loved this part of your trip. What a treat to have Teresa do this for you.

  7. Your pictures are amazing! I had so much fun.
    Sips and Smiles,


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