
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Santa Claus is coming to town!

The Santa collection is once again on display in the hallway of Sweet Remembrances. Each year the collection grows. Adding another jolly old elf to the grouping can be a challenge, but there does seem to be room to fit in 'just one more'.

At the far left, standing atop the radiator, is the collection of culinary Santas. They have cake decorating bags, plates of cookies, and gingerbread houses. Who knew Santa was such a culinary artist? On top of the oak side by side you'll find the smaller Santa assortment. Some are German 'smokers', one that I brought back from Germany and the other a gift from a friend.

Of course my favorite grouping is the tea themed collection.  The little roly poly one on the right is a tea-for-one teapot. The little stitchery, also from a friend, reads Santa's Pot of Tea. I can see Santa relaxing with tea and cookies before he loads up the sleigh, and of course once he returns from his busy night.
This Byers' Choice Caroler (a Pennsylvania based company) is the newest addition to the collection thanks to a thoughtful older sister. With his basket of gingerbread and candy canes, he obviously fits right in! Thanks, Marj.


  1. What a fun collection! Your newest addition is charming.

  2. I love all your Santa's, but that new one is extra special. How wonderful to have a sister that knows just what to give you.

  3. Love, love, love your Santa collection - especially the tea-themed ones! It definitely looks like Christmas at Sweet Remembrances!


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