
Monday, February 6, 2017

Tasty Teas, Nassau, Bahamas

Our excursion into downtown Nassau City included a stop at Tasty Teas, a local mother and son business that offers iced teas, juices, nectars, Bahamian teas both loose and in tea bags, and assorted specialty items including vanilla.

Tucked back from the main street, the beverages are sold from the front building. The Junkanoo nectar; a mixture of guava, mango and soursop was a refreshing and flavorful, tropical island treat.
Behind the beverage shop, is a smaller building where they sell their packaged Bahamian herbal teas. Johnathan led a guided tour of the plants along the wall including lemon grass also called fever grass. He shared the medicinal properties and benefits of many of the herb teas that they package. Once inside the building we sampled several of the teas. Soursop which is said to aide in digestive health and Moringa Tea which is an excellent source of protein, potassium and calcium. As a resource for additional information regarding the health benefits of the native Bahamian herbs, Johnathan suggested the book Bush Medicines in the Bahamas
Tea Tasting


  1. Fresh juices are the best! So glad you shared your adventures with us! xo

  2. I use to try to grow lemon grass for beverages, but it just doesn't survive well in my garden. It is good, though. Occasionally we buy it at the market for cooking with.

  3. Hmm, soursop doesn't sound too appetizing. I've seen lemon grass in the grocery store but wouldn't know what to do with it.

  4. Sounds like quite an intriguing shop! And much as I love mango anything, I would have really enjoyed this!


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