
Sunday, August 20, 2017

The GGS Hat & Gloves Tea Room, Mohnton, PA

Vacation Time is Tea Time! And having recently enjoyed a summer vacation, we of course enjoyed tea time. Our adventures took us out West this year to enjoy the amazing beauty of our country at several National Parks. But first,  tea time!

We began our adventure with a stop at the GGS Hat & Gloves Tea Room in Mohnton, PA, just a short hop off the PA turnpike near Reading to enjoy the Queen's Tea. Once we arrived, we were greeted by our hostess Geri (the first G in GGS) who encouraged us to select hats and gloves before we sat down for tea.

This intimate tea room is by reservation only. Our family was seated around the dining room table that was laden with assorted tea time necessities. Fresh flowers, pretty tea cups, cream and sugar bowls, homemade jams and jellies, and personalized name tags, lace doilies, obviously every detail mattered.

Geri serves decaffeinated Buckingham Palace Garden Party Tea which is a flavored black tea with delicate hints of lemon, ginger, jasmine and floral notes traditionally served at the Queen's garden parties. Once our tea cups were filled, the first course, a rich vegetable soup was served.

A variety of scones and jelly was served next. Geri would bring each course to the table, and we would pass it around, making our selections. The jellies and cream included homemade lemon curd and homemade spiced peach jam made by Whimsey Doodles.

               As an interlude, we enjoyed a lovely peach applesauce that tasted just like summer!
A tiered tray laden with buttery croissants filled with chicken salad (or plain for Cedar) was the next course served.
And desserts, also served on a tiered tray included yummy miniature cupcakes decorated to look like flowers, a sweet little decorated hat shaped cookie to match the hat Geri was wearing, and a chocolate chip cookie. What a fun tea. Since it was just our family, we felt extra special. Thank you, Geri! This was a great way to begin our vacation travels.

We're linking to Bernideen's Tea Time blog in celebration of National Afternoon Tea Week.


  1. Oh I am so pleased that you shared this posting Nancy as everyone will love seeing another of your many tea adventures. I think it looks like you had great fun and I am sure if one owns a tea room it is always lovely to be "served" by someone else. Thanks for sharing and linking.

  2. Such fun!Lovely and delightful tea time!Thanks for sharing.

  3. What a wonderful afternoon tea experience!

  4. What a special tea time. The peach applesauce sounds delicious and really hit a note for me. I came home from my travels with peaches and apples. Now have applesauce canned and pies in the freezer. Oh I do love the freshness of this season.


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