
Friday, November 30, 2018

Winner! HamiltonCHI

Our father taught us not to throw away our money. We were not allowed to toss coins into fountains, and we were not a family of gamblers, or lottery players. Those lessons have stuck with us over the years. But, a free lottery App with the chance to win $10 tickets to attend Hamilton, well, I'm not throwing away my shot! And, after several months of entering the lottery to attend the show in New York, Boston, Chicago, Charlotte, and Durham, this announcement popped up on my phone! Winner! Two tickets in Chicago! With 24 hour notice, Angelica and I headed to Chicago, driving non-stop!

What a surreal experience! Lots of driving, occasional stops for gas and food, and back on the road. Angelica was the navigator once we hit the city. Locating a parking garage within close proximity of the theater, we explored the streets of Chicago before dinner and the show. Artistic sculptures and pretty floral areas brighten the windy city. Speakers with piped in music are tucked in some of these decorative sections. Musicians on the street corners offer their Paypal address on cardboard boxes in case you don't have cash to toss their way.
Can you tell we were beyond excited? The majestic CIBC Theater in Chicago opened in 1906 at a cost of over one million dollars. We were glad to see it!

What a memorable whirlwind experience! And I continue to play the lottery, although other family members think they are next up to attend the next $10 winning show! Angelica and I have been bumped to the back of the line!


  1. What a fantastic trip! I just love the joy on your faces! 😊

  2. How exciting! And fun too to have this adventure with Angelica! Congratulations on the win. I would have loved that one.


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