Sunday, January 20, 2019

Teatime for Kitty

Surprise presents are always the best! Our newest staff member brought a cat toy for our garden cats. She simply couldn't pass up this teacup cat toy when she saw it at a local pet store with her mom. Teacup shaped and filled with two little catnip tea bags, it was a very thoughtful gift.

Friskie, our garden cat, and the only one that enjoys catnip, checked it out, but sadly, wasn't really interested. He obviously prefers the fresh stuff. He'll have to wait for spring to enjoy that treat.

Here's Friskie with his nose in a healthy crop of fresh catnip. He has a wealth of catnip within his reach - spring thru summer and fall. He'll wait for the real deal.

1 comment:

Marilyn Miller said...

I do believe my cat would love those teabags.