
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tea Pot Cakes!

Jubilee Cake Studio Design
Conveniently scheduled during Angelica's spring break was a tea pot cake decorating class at the local cake shop, Jubilee Cake Studio where the slogan is we bake, you decorate. We snatched up the last three available seats, and found ourselves entertained with this easy and tasty craft project. This array of utensils was placed in front of each seat. Easy to follow directions were offered to roll out the fondant to create a large circle that would cover the petite cake. Once we had our circle, individual cakes were provided, and we covered them with the firm white fondant icing.

After the cake was completely covered and smooth, we made the handle and the spout followed by the lid surrounded by a ring of little candy beads. The roses and leaves which both required special tools then became the focus of the class. You could make as many roses and leaves as you desired, placing them on the cake with additional buttercream icing 'glue'.
How pleased we are with the finished cakes!
          Pretty pink boxes are provided to safely transport your creation.
On display in the tea room, cakes by: 
Nancy, Angelica (on the pedestal), and Cedar (with a turtle)

1 comment:

  1. I am sooooo impressed with your beautiful cakes. I would love, love taking this class especially if I had some special people to take it with. I was so surprise to see Cedar taking it, but I am sure you all enjoyed the nibbling with some tea later.


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