
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

The Bloodroot is blooming. Must be spring!

One of the Spring ephemerals which grows on the edge of the woods in part shade, blood root is unique because it flowers first and leafs out second. You need to keep an eye on the bloodroot patch as it will bloom one sunny spring day and only stay in bloom for a day or two so it is very easy to miss!
This pretty little patch of bloodroot is tucked in the back corner of our goosefoot shaped garden.
Like the name suggests the roots drip a red substance that looks like blood. The roots have been used in the past to dye wool or fabric. It is also used as an escharotic or skin eating plant. Don't be afraid as it only eats unhealthy skin such as cancerous skin ailments.
Sadly, bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis is one of our native plants that is being overgrown in the woods by other invasive species. It is also being over harvested as some promote it as a plant to eat skin tags and warts.

(This post is a reprise from March 2016.)

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen bloodroot. Fascinating! Right now I am trying to find some plantain as I was told it was good for drawing out infection and might help an ingrown toenail. Hummm?


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