
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sip for Peace - PA Tea Festival 2019

At the PA Tea Festival we participated in a Sip in for Peace at the close of each day. This event was sponsored by the International Tea Sippers Society who provided the perfect sipping cup for our gathering. They have supported Sip in for Peace around the world the entire month of September, noting that the International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21st.

 According to Babette Donaldson, "no one alive has experienced global peace. There is no shared vision or language. Tea has the potential to empower individuals to reclaim a personal sense of peace and inspire a vision of what could be". Attendees gathered at the Peace Pole in the herb garden, and on Friday our Peace Ambassador Lin Henry of Tickle Your Fancy guided the group in sharing personal moments of peace and reflection. She concluded with a silent moment of peace while playing 'What a Wonderful World'.
John (far right) from Tea-for-All was our Peace Ambassador on Saturday. He shared his personal feelings about reflection and finding peace in life. Both of these events were tranquil and peaceful and provided a moment of hope and inspiration to those that attended. The teas we served featured a blend of teas from around the world. Tea unites us and comforts us.
Our Peace Garden, tucked in the back corner of The Rosemary House garden is dedicated to our hope for Peace on Earth, Internal peace for all people and Eternal peace for our beloved mother and her sister and sister in law.
Let there be peace on earth.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely! I love the Sip for Peace concept Babette is sharing. I love that you have a peace garden. If only there could be peace in the world.


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