
Monday, June 8, 2020

Poison Ivy Blues

We were out Geo-caching (a treasure hunt based on GPS coordinates) the other evening as our socially distancing activity and it was up, still small, but growing vigorously in the woodland edge where we were hunting for our geo-cache.  Poison Ivy. Ugh. Fortunately, we recognize it in the many stages of growth so were able to avoid the dreaded rash. If you are not so fortunate, this summer, we have some help. Happy Camper Soap is excellent for rash relief from Poison Ivy or even from other gardening issues like pulling out weeds. It is an old fashioned soap with some added jewelweed and plantain, two weeds that offer comfort for the issues a poison ivy rash presents additionally it has other healing essential oils, kaolin clay and beeswax. We wash with Happy Camper Soap immediately after contact with the poison ivy to remove as much of the poison ivy oils off our skin as we can and also use it once the rash has presented itself.
Hiker's Releaf made by the Essential Herbal is a soothing spritz of jewelweed, plantain, and sage extracted in apple cider vinegar.  This is to spray directly on a poison ivy rash.

Both of these natural products are available in the shop, or online. Curbside pickup (we'll deliver to your vehicle) is also available.


  1. Thanks for this timely product!

  2. Oh my, I just got over a two-months-long bout with poison ivy myself. Now I know what remedy to look for next time (while praying there won't be a "next time," ha!)

  3. When I was growing up I rarely got it, maybe just a small patch; but my sister couldn't even be near it if it was in the air. She would get awful cases of it. These days I get a rash in the spring through the summer I think from pollen or UV rays (not sure which) and could use something to relieve the itch. Wonder if this would work?


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