
Sunday, August 27, 2023

An Cupán Tae Café, Dingle, Ireland

This busy little tea café, An Cupán Tae Café, is located in the town of Dingle, Ireland, on the Dingle Peninsula along the Atlantic Coast. After we strolled some of the gift shops in this touristy town, we ended up here for a fine cup of tea, served with milk and sugar, of course.

Order from the menu board, or be seated and a waitress will take your order.

Tea and cakes while enjoying the beautiful day in Ireland.
The colorful variety of buildings adds charm to this little seaside community. We stopped in a range of shops, from the typical touristy shop with souvenirs and trinkets to artistic specialty gift shops. Cedar found his souvenir, a hand crafted leather belt that was sized to order.

The donkey is trained to hee haw for a carrot when he hears the clink of the coins in the tin can. His owner produced a carrot from his sack to reward both the donkey and the tourist.


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