
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Susanna!

There was a celebration in our little herbal complex! The youngest of the four sisters (second from the left) celebrated her natal day. (This photo includes a CA cousin during a previous celebration). The baby isn't quite ready for her AARP card, but alas, is getting closer to receiving that invitation in the mail!
There is a spirit of make-believe hiding within us all, which perhaps is one of the reasons the upcoming Wagon Train adventure has its unique appeal.
Whether we are enjoying an open hearth dinner, or a very special afternoon tea, we are creating memories to last a lifetime.
Happy Birthday little sis. May the coming year be full of joy and happiness, hope for the future, and new adventures!
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  1. Happy, Happy Birthday, Susanna! See you on the 10th

  2. A very, very, very happy birthday to Susanna! I love the pictures your sis shared of you --- and yes, creating memories is what life's all about. Many blessings for the year ahead!


  3. Love those old-fashioned pictures! And happy birthday to Susanna!


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