
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In Bloom in the Garden - Garlic Chives

Allium tuberosum or Garlic Chives are providing a wonderful place for the bees to feast right now. These lovely white flowers are delicately garlic flavored and are delicious used in salads. We also use the flat leaves all year round in salads and vegetable dishes. A hearty perennial we will be sure to cut back these flowers before they can set seed. Neither a garlic nor chives this plant is indeed an allium with a garlic flavor and it looks like chives so it is well named. We love to add garlic chives to our herbal vinegar. Simply stuff a mayonnaise jar full of garlic chives leaves and flowers too. It doesn't have to be packed tight but it must be kind of full. Then pour vinegar on top of it, you can use apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar. Label. Let it sit for 2 weeks and then strain. Use to flavor pickled beans or with a bit of oil as a salad dressing. It has a terrific flavor.

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