
Thursday, September 18, 2008

In Bloom in the Garden - Passion Flower

Whoo Hoo! We are so excited to finally have a happy and perennial passion flower in our garden. It has taken us several tries in several different locations but our efforts have been rewarded.

It is native to the Americas and the early Spanish explorers were overcome by its glory. Our native American Indians used the passion flower as a nerve tonic and sedative, one that is remarkably effective. For centuries it has been used for insomnia, neuralgia and epilepsy.

The fruit of the passion flower, passion fruit, is being used in more and more beverages. While our passion flower has several large fruit on it, I am not sure they will ripen in time for us to try and use them.

This exotic native is also a world wide symbol of Christ's Passion. Emblematic of faith and piety, the mystical Passion Flower repeats the drama of Easter in its stunning waxen blossom. for example: the five petals and five sepals are said to represent the ten apostles (excluding Judas and Peter, the doubtful one), the three parted leaves symbolize the Holy Trinity, the three stigmas are said to look like the three nails and on and on the symbolism continues. The double corona of 72 purple filaments which form an exquisite fringe within the flower are representative of the crown of thorns. Of course the lavender and purple colors of the passion flowers are the colors traditionally associated with Lent and Easter.
Gorgeous, Medicinal, Edible, and Symbolic - what a joy it is to have this herb in our garden!


  1. I never put two and two together that passion fruit comes from passion flower. And I didn't think they could be grown in this area. You have such a green thumb.

  2. In Oregon the Passion Flower grows very well. We had one in a previous garden and it about took over. Very pretty. Now I didn't think about using the fruit for anything. We might have to plant another one in our garden here.

  3. I am so jealous! Mine is buried by other plants and it will have to be moved. I also learned that it has a tuberous root and it your plant doesn't have that root, it will never be a productive plant. Hope to get mine safely situated next year.


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