
Monday, January 12, 2009

Gracious Hospitality Blog Give-Away

Also celebrating National Hot Tea Month is Gracious Hospitality, complete with a blog give-away that includes these items pictured. Her ongoing celebration of National Hot Tea Month has included some informative posts about tea and great pictures to accompany the posts. Be sure to visit La Donna, and leave a comment to be entered in her give-away. Let her know we sent you! Looks like fun to me!


  1. Thank you for directing people to my give-away, Nancy and Susanna. I really appreciate it.

    I hope you are having a wonderful week! Spring will be here soon, won't it? I really NEED spring!!!! There's nothing like little shoots and tender greens to take away the winter blues.


  2. Nice post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you seeking your information.


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.