
Friday, January 9, 2009

National Hot Tea Month Blog Giveaway

Mary Mac's TeaTimes Newsletter was one of the original subscription newsletters featuring afternoon tea. Available by mail, out of Washington state during the early to mid 1990's and billed as a continuing journey into the pleasures of afternoon tea, this little newsletter was full of afternoon tea ideas, menus, recipes, articles and advertising. Without the full color photography you find in Tea Time Magazine today, it was not nearly as glitzy or glamorous as this magazine. However, it was chock full of pertinent ideas and delicious recipes. The six different issues I have feature a Robert Burn's Birthday High Tea (a tribute to Scottish Poet Robert Burns), a Post-Holiday Light Tea and "I'll Diet Tomorrow" menu, Queen Victoria's Birthday High Tea, a Springtime Celebration Tea, and a Devonshire Cream Tea. For National Hot Tea Month, we have 6 past issues to distribute. Leave a comment on this post between now and Monday evening (1/12/09). We'll announce the winners on Tuesday morning, and we'll mail you a past issue of this 16-page now-out-of-print but still pertinent newsletter.


  1. I have never heard of this newsletter, but would love to receive copies. Thanks for sharing and offering your give-away.

  2. I am not familar with this publication either; however, always like to read anything about tea. Please enter my name in the give-away. Thanks.

  3. I have heard of this publication, but have never actually seen a copy. Plese enter my name in your giveaway drawing.

  4. You come up with the coolest stuff!

  5. Queen Victoria's Birthday High Tea would be such fun to recreate. What a nice selection of articles, Nancy. Please do add my name to the ones in the hat. What fun! Thank you for all that you share.

  6. These wonderful newsletters were printed prior to my passionate "tea" days...I am fortunate to have been able to purchase a few past editions...would love to see the Queen Victoria Tea especially as I am an avid fan of hers.
    Thanks for your blog site; it is a highlight in my tea life. Donna

  7. What a neat newsletter. I haven't heard about it, but love the idea of a magazine with lots of information and not much fluff. Thank you for your kind offer.


  8. The newsletter sounds lovely, and I would love to be entered for the drawing. I have been enjoying your blog for a few months now since finding you mentioned on LaTeaDah's blog. I really enjoy the photos, recipe and info. you share.

    Thanks and blessings!

  9. Rosemary,

    I've heard of this newsletter, nearly subscribed but alas when I finally pursued it, the newsletter was no longer produced. ;-(. I would love a copy but know that to whomever your generous extras are sent will have a good time with their gift and perhaps, even share a few snippets from the issues they receive.


  10. What a great tea give-away! I would love to enter. One of my goals in 2009 is to visit Sweet Remembrance!

  11. The newsletters sound wonderful. I would enjoy reading and having one of them for my library. What a treat. Thank you for making these available to others. I so enjoy your blog and seldom miss a day. Thanks!!!!!

  12. i have never heard of this newsletter either, but i am intrigued and enchanted by some of the tea titles! being of scottish decent, am curious about the robert burn's one, of course, but all of them sound just wonderful. how kind of you to offer such a lovely gift! i have so enjoyed this blog since i found it about a month ago! hugs to all and yes please do enter my name in the drawing, with my deep appreciation!


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.