
Thursday, June 4, 2009


The following is an excerpt from Mrs. Reppert's TwelveMonth Herbal.
June 4 ... Daughter #4 (1962)
Originally Susanna Rebecca was named Susan Jeannette, meaning "Gift of God" - which she surely is. Then we renamed her for her great great grandmother Kauffman when she was given her heirloom "taufschein" or Pennsylvania Dutch birth certificate. Be that as it may, our Susie is a true Elgert woman who shares an inborn love of the earth and herbs with her mother and her mother's mother. Since she was a baby, Susie spent hours and days by my side, absorbing the realm of gardens and the depth of herbs. As a Girl Scout, she packed her suitcase for camp topped off with half a dozen large comfrey leaves. "In case I wound myself," she explained. Now a Master Gardener, she lectures on herbs, manages The Rosemary House full time and has initiated a popular apprentice gardener program, the idea conceived while she labored as volunteer (on her day off) in the National Herb Garden in D.C. Susie is young, eager, energetic and stuffed with creative ideas for our family enterprise. Seizing the reins firmly, she has created a diversified herbal product line which she takes to large gift shows, introducing us to a world beyond Mechanicsburg, The joy of herbs has wrapped this "gift" into a package that keeps on giving. Raised in the magic world of herbs, it is her birthright.
These words, written by our Mother in 1996, stand true today. The years march on and the story continues of course. Creative and energetic, delicately balancing a career and young family, all the while sharing the joy and magic of herbs with family and friends.
Happy Birthday Susanna Rebecca! You continue to make your Mother proud.
Love, Love, Love, Love.


  1. happy birthday susanna! i won a copy of your moms book in your giveaway and it is my very favorite herbal book in my collection! i thank you all for this book everyday! i especially loved reading these days when you children were born. yours was sooo adorable and loved the fact you were packing comfrey for camp!lol enjoy your birthday and sending you big hugs:) leslie

  2. Happy, Happy Birthday to one of my favorite herbalists! May you have many herb filled days to come!

  3. cityslickers@hughes.netThursday, June 04, 2009

    Happy Birthday Susanna: What a legacy your mom left in your 12 Month Herbal! I laughed when I read about the comfrey and camp! Too cute. Wishing you were closer so I could learn from the Master Gardener herself...Have a beautiful day! I am sure your family has planned lots of fun things!!

    Donna (Iowa)

  4. Happy, happy birthday Susanna! Have your cake all day long.

  5. Oh, Susanna, that certainly pulls at the heart strings doesn't it? Hope your birthday is great and memories of your Mom are equally great.

  6. Happy, happy birthday, Susanna! Wishing you the very best in the year ahead!


  7. Hope you had a very happy birthday. I enjoyed reading the wonderful tribute in your Mom's book and all the other nice comments.

  8. Happy Birthday, Susanna, a day late. Interestingly, my mother's birthday is today, June 6th. Wishing you a great year!


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