
Monday, November 9, 2009

The Art of the Table

Linda at Friendship Tea has been sharing a beautiful variety of tablescapes that were decorated for the second annual fund raising event Tea Time with Berea Ministry held recently in Kentucky. Linda works diligently for this annual event, coordinating the volunteers, taste testing recipes, preparing tea, and organizing the activities for the day. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work required to pull this event together. Kudos for a job well done Linda! For additional information about this event and photos from last years gathering, visit Tea Time with Berea Ministry . Check out the recent posts on Friendship Tea to take a peek at the many artistic interpretations created for this years successful event. There are a lot of talented people creating many beautiful themed tables.
(photo shown here is a table in Sweet Remembrances set for a bridal shower)


  1. Thank you! I am already thinking about how I can improve next year.

  2. Love your table. I have also been enjoying Linda's tables and event. It is an amazing amount of work, I am sure.

  3. Your pink shower tablescape is very pretty. I too have enjoyed seeing the photos from the Berea Ministry tea.

    Please drop by Tea and Talk and enter my giveaway.

  4. You ladies started my journey last year. This year I am honoring you with a Friendship Award. Please pass it on.

  5. You need to check out my November 13th post, after your blogger's block is over!


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