
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Years ago (20 to be exact), my mother handcrafted this beautiful golden herbal wreath and lovingly presented it to me for my then new home. Alas, the wreath, now faded and showing its age, has been relegated to the garage, silently working its magic over the years. It even survived the moment when an older sister decided to clean up my garage and throw away the terribly faded and forlorn wreath. Fortunately, I discovered its disappearance before the garbage truck arrived and quickly retrieved it. Scorned for her attempt to toss the wreath and having learned her lesson, said sister has never again touched the wreath, although, fortunately for me, she still cleans the garage when her special craft events are held there. Secretly tucked in the back of this wreath is a handwritten note in my mother's inimitable penmanship:
Trefoil, Johnswort, Vervain, Dill,
Hinders Witches of their will!
You are covered!
Good thing!
We seem to have an abundance of willful witches among us.
Happy Halloween!


  1. I still have the wreath that Don Haynie gave away that first bus trip I took with Rosemary House to Virginia or maybe the second. It has a very dried garlic bulb in the center. Think I'm still covered? Happy Halloween, Rosemarys!! See you both Friday!

  2. So glad your mom's wreath made it through another year, even though it is looking like you made need a new one soon. Good luck with that.

  3. Love seeing those witches in the garden.


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