
Monday, November 1, 2010

Preparing for winter

For as long as we can remember Mechanicsburg has had quite a few albino squirrels, catching the attention of anyone that is lucky enough to spot one scampering around the area.A special thank you to Zachery who snapped this photo out the van window one afternoon last week. The squirrel appears quite busy gathering acorns and creating his winter stash.


  1. I have never seen an albino squirrel! How fascinating!! My brothers have always teased me that I am albino -- can lay in the sun and all I get is burned...never browning!! Was labeled as Snow White! ha...

    Thanks for sharing the neat!!


  2. My mom often has an albino squirrel in her back yard. I wonder if they are all from the same "family"

  3. Great picture Zach and thanks for sharing Nancy I have not seen many albino squirrels and never thought there were many in one area. Happy November.

  4. Thanks for sharing this pic of the albino squirrel. I don't think I've ever seen one in its habitat.

  5. I have never seen an albino squirrel! WoW! I wasn't sure what it was at first. How lucky you are to have them around!

  6. I have never seen an albino squirrel. He would definitely stand out. Interesting!

  7. We have no albinos, but the cats were all lined up recently by the side of the road, watching our squirrels collect acorns - they didn't chase them, just sat and watched for about 15 minutes.
    When we lived in AnnArbor Michigan, we had black squirrels, which are also rare.


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