
Monday, September 26, 2011

Medieval Dinner

Last week we hosted a Medieval Dinner and Program in Sweet Remembrances. The tables were set with trenchers, hollowed out slices of bread that served as plates for several courses of the feast.In earlier days, it was acceptable to use the tablecloth to wipe your fingers. However, as cultures progressed, napkins were used, typically draped over the left shoulder.  As fashions developed, the napkin would be wrapped around your neck and the expression 'to make ends meet' developed.  Silverware was limited.  We provided a knife, although attendees at a Medieval feast would have provided their own dagger to spear the meat that was served.  Forks were not considered appropriate to use and spoons would have been made of wood and later tin or silver.  There would be a communal plate to serve the various courses. Our feast began with Dilled Veal Balls and a bowl of Cabbage Chowder. Saffron was a popular seasoning because of the flavor and gorgeous color it would impart on the food.
The second course featured Golden Leeks and Onions and a plate of Puree of Peas. Mushy Peas can still be found in pubs throughout England. The trenchers would be gathered at the end of the banquet and given to the hoards of hungry that were gathered outside the castle gates. The next course included Chicken with rice and almonds and sauteed mushrooms and leeks. Dessert featured Pumpkin Bread with Lemon Curd, circletes (a type of cookie with currants) and mulled Cider.In addition, we were happy to be able to harvest fresh figs from our backyard tree.    
For additional information about figs, visit this earlier post written by Susanna.  If medieval etiquette interests you, this previous post includes a bit of etiquette that we typically share with our guests when attending our Medieval feast.


  1. I am always amazed at the background research you put into these events. WOW!

  2. You always have the best parties!

  3. This looks like so much fun! My youngest sister participates in SCA and they have medieval feasts where they must cook food and eat with utensils commonly used during that time period. Are those the kind of peas they serve with meat pies?

  4. How fun! I will have to check out the figs, they look good.


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