
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tea Around the World ~ Germany

A sister recently travelled to Germany and brought home some tea packets as a souvenir. These colorful packets are designed to be addressed and mailed to a friend as a thoughtful gift. Thanks to Google Translate, the green tea package reads "Anything really worthwhile takes time, just like a good cup of tea." and the yellow package reads, "For You. A bath refreshes the body; a cup of tea, the spirit."
Reading the label on the reverse reveals that these packets contain flavored Rooibos, one is vanilla flavored, and the other contains elderberries, orange peel and safflower. Rooibos is harvested from the Red Bush plant native to South Africa. This herb tea is naturally enriched with nutrients such as iron, potassium, calcium, and fluoride. Once brewed, it produces a fruity cup with sweet notes that is reddish orange in color. Naturally caffeine free, it's a unique alternative to decreasing caffeine intake.


  1. I agree... tea does refresh the spirit. I have some Rooibos tea here that I really like. And the red color is very pretty in the cup.

  2. What a clever idea! I often include tea packets in cards to friends I know enjoy tea, and this would be fun to send as well!

  3. It is clever, especially that you can send it in the mail as a gift.


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