
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

We're Ready!

The first heavy snowfall for our area is expected to arrive overnight. We're ready. The necessary ingredients are on hand, the bowl is in place, and the kids are eagerly anticipating that school will be cancelled. We're ready.  Everything is in its place... we just need the snow.   

 UPDATE:  Looks like most of the snow has missed us, and now the snow has changed to rain, leaving our plans for making snow ice cream a tad soggy.  If it's snowing in your area, you can find the recipe posted on our blog, here.


  1. I hope you get just enough, but not too much!

  2. Sorry to hear it mostly missed you. How disappointing for the "kids". Maybe soon.

  3. Oh, so sorry to hear that! We southerners are used to being disappointed with the snow predictions, but I wouldn't have dreamed that could happen to you, Nancy!

  4. I'm sorry that you weren't able to make your snow ice cream. It sounds like you'd have had to make an "ice" instead. :(


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