
Monday, April 29, 2013

Meatless Monday

Savoring another meatless Monday around here.  Our Community Supported Agriculture farm (Spiral Path Farm) is up and running in full swing with two spring deliveries already.  The weekly box of local organic veggies included fresh kale and winter harvested yams which are the main ingredients for this quick and easy African Yam and Kale soup.  Delicious! Packed full of flavor, it uses a nice variety of spices (chili powder, garlic, cumin, curry, and cinnamon) to create a tasty broth for this soup. The recipe is from the Happy Herbivore, and can be found on her website, here.  Oh yum!


  1. It looks SO good! I've had kale in my garden all winter --- but local sweet potatoes would be SO GOOD right now!

    Celebrating Meatless Monday with you today --- and every Monday ;)

    Enjoy a wonderful week!
    Gracious Hospitality

  2. This does sound quite delicious. I am learning to appreciate kale.

  3. Oh yum indeed! CSA's are popular here as well, and the one I know best stays sold-out so far in advance, there's not a prayer of getting on it. Lucky you to be a subscriber!


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