
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day!

May your day be full of golden sunshine today!  Did you find a basket of flowers hanging on your door? Traditional May Day celebrations are held all around the world. One enchanting little tradition involves secretly putting a pretty bouquet of fresh spring flowers on your neighbor's doorknob. If they discover you doing this, they must give you a kiss!
Kisses to you!


  1. A May Day basket...we used to do that. How sweet! Happy May!

  2. That looks so sweet! It has snowed all day in Colorado Springs!

  3. This was a tradition that I grew up with. Sister and I would make our own baskets, usually out of construction paper, tape, staples, and paper doilies. Then we would go pick flowers from our mother's garden, and sneak to the neighbor's houses, attach the basket, and run away and hide. It was always SO much fun!

    We I had my own children, they did this to our own neighbors, although mostly they would do it for me! I'd hear the doorbell, go see who was there, and there would be no one. But a pretty little basket and bouquet would be hanging from the door knob. Very sweet. I miss those days.

    Gracious Hospitality

  4. Now I didn't know about the kisses. When my children would leave one on our neighbors they would give them an ice cream bar. Hummmm? Kiss or ice cream?

  5. I have never done this with the little baskets of flowers, but I have long wanted to. Victoria magazine used to have features on May Day that made me want to put a May Pole in the yard and then go gather up a bunch of young children to dance around it!


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