
Friday, November 15, 2013

Bok Choy Stir Fry

Dinner... easy... once everything has been prepped! We recently received some Bok Choy in our CSA veggie box. It's the first time we've ever had Bok Choy - and we enjoyed it. With a few adaptations to a stir fry recipe in Vegetarian Times, we had dinner on the table quickly.
Prepare the sauce and set aside:
1 Tbsp. low sodium soy sauce
1 tsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. rice vinegar
1/2 tsp. Chile sauce (optional)
Prepare the veggies:
Wash, cut, slice, chop whatever veggies you have on hand. We used yellow yummy peppers, red onions, minced garlic, and Bok Choy (leaves and stems, separated). Lots of all of them!

Line a frying pan with a thin layer of water, steam/sauté the onions, peppers, and garlic until tender but still with a slight crunch. Add the Bok Choy stems and sauté until tender. Note: Add more water if it has evaporated away. Add the leaves and sauté until wilted. Add sauce, and stir-fry an additional minute.  If desired, sprinkle with green onions or raw cashews. Serve over rice, or not.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Now this sounds like a tasty and easy dinner idea! And lucky you to be on the CSA list -- the one closest to me stays sold out, though maybe I should go ahead and sign up for several years down the road!


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