
Friday, February 7, 2014

Villa Vanilla, CR

One of my favorite excursions on our trip to Costa Rica was to Villa Vanilla, a small farm focused on growing quality spices in a fully sustainable manor.  This farm grew a diverse variety of Vanilla, Chocolate, Tulsi, Peppercorns, Tumeric, Ginger, Ceylon Cinnamon, Chili peppers and more.
 The drying rack features white peppercorns, turmeric and chili peppers.  In the wet season they dry inside on racks heated by a wood fire.

Ceylon cinnamon bark being harvested the outer bark is scraped off and composted, the inner bark is the cinnamon.  The left over wood is stacked to burn in the wet season.
Their compost facility,  they judge the temperature of the compost pile, with an old machete inserted deep in the pile.  If they pull it out and it is too hot to hold, it is ready.


Vanilla Beans


Hibiscus Blossoms, for tea
This farm emphasized beauty in farming in addition to organic sustainability. This is a log resting on its side and then planted with epiphytes and bromeliads. 
 To increase the biodiversity the crops are not planted  in rows but mixed up so that if there is disease it can not spread quickly from one plant to another.
The farmers have also found that the ornamentals will show disease first so the farm is interspersed with many lovely flowers both for their beauty and as an early warning signal.


  1. Oh, I just love the name of the farm!

    I found this so interesting and informative and loved that they plant beautiful flowers among the crops.
    Thanks for sharing your latest adventures!

    Have a happy day!

    Mary Jane

  2. So fascinating to hear of other gardening methods all over the world! And I LOVE the name of this place too!

  3. Fascinating indeed. I like their attention to the little details in their garden with the flowers interspersed. I would have a difficult time not wanting to leave without a full suitcase of spices.

  4. Yes, how fascinating...I have never seen a vanilla pod on the plant before! Thanks for the recipes...what o you mean by 'whipped' butter?? Thy sound yummy...want to try!


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