
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Preparations with a nod to TBT

(Throw Back Thursday) Bertha Reppert, circa 1990
Cedar and I will begin to prepare for the upcoming family Easter festivities today. The chocolate covered eggs have been made and stowed for safe keeping, but now it's on to making the bunny cakes. These little bunny cakes have been a tradition in the family ever since I've been making cakes. Dear old mom always requested a bunny hutch of 4 cakes and they would last thru the holiday weekend as we nibbled our way through these little guys. Over the years, the number of cakes has been cut down to 2, and we now make one with coconut 'fur' and one without. A round white layer cake is cut in half, frosted between the two halves, set up on the cut edge and frosted with soft white icing. Then, it's covered in coconut and decorated with a jelly bean face, toothpick whiskers, pink and white paper ears, and a cotton ball tail and served nestled among some Easter grass.

Here's the completed project - one happy helper petting the bunny cake he named Carl.

May your Easter season be joyful!


  1. I love the bunny cake tradition. Your mom was a special and very fun mom.

  2. Yes, a fantastic tradition!

  3. Oh, I have wondered what your mother was like (besides being a famous herbalist), so I'm tickled to see this photo ... she looks so happy (I'll bet she was fun)! Glad to see you and Cedar are carrying on the cake-making tradition. And Happy Easter!

  4. Fun tradition for your family! I bet Cedar got to "lick the spoon" as we say here in KY.


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