
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Gnome Invasion!

We have had an invasion of the cutest little gnomes. If you wander around the herb gardens, you might just find a little guy tucked here or there. This sweet little mushroom forest is home to a hand painted scene featuring assorted mushrooms and a little blue stream. A touch of wooly thyme is growing beneath the metal mushroom collection.

Nestled under the bay tree in another corner of the garden is this little gnome fruit and veggie vendor. We are the happy to be the guardians of these creative and artistic gnome scenes that were recently gifted to Susanna.

These little guys are poking their heads out from below some shrubbery.
And, if you look closely, tucked in a corner beside the gazebo is another one of Steve Hoke's gnome homes. We won this one during a fund raising event, and are happy to add it to the growing collection.


  1. The gnome house reminds me of a cookie jar I had once upon a time. So delightful!


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