
Saturday, January 16, 2021

2020 - A Year in Review

In the beginning of the new year we celebrated with an employee appreciation Afternoon Tea at Emigs Mansion in York County. It was a lovely gathering of family and friends and a delicious variety of food. More details and photos are in this blog post.

Also in January, members of the Mid-Atlantic Tea Business Association gathered at the Elden Street Tea Shop in Herndon, VA for one of their quarterly meeting.                                                                   

February featured our annual Valentine's Day teas. We held two this year, one on Valentine's Day and one on the Sunday of Valentine's Day week. Such fun with hearts galore!

In March, at one of our events for the year, we held a
Tea and Honey Pairing in Sweet Remembrances. Everything prepared for the tea featured honey and a tasting in different teas completed the evening.

A few excursions to local tea rooms were on the agenda while Angelica was home for spring break. Susanna, Nancy, and Angelica enjoyed a special outing to Olivia's Tea Room in Camp Hill, in March. While an adventure to Oxford Hall Tea Cafe in New Cumberland included Afternoon Tea and a tea leaf reading session.

Our annual St. Patrick's Day tea was featured in March. Festive, green, and with the luck of the Irish, we celebrated one last tea in Sweet Remembrances, and just like that, restaurants were shut down to indoor dining with Covid on the rise. We had no way of knowing what the rest of the year would look like.

Kids in the Kitchen became a routine. With a college student home and a high schooler too, quarantine provided an opportunity for the kids to learn a few cooking skills. From making lentil joes for dinner to spiced nuts just because and dipping chocolate covered Easter eggs, there was always something going on to keep us all entertained and nourished. Angelica even tried her hand at scone making. With Easter on the horizon, the kids made bunny cakes, and Susanna made lemonade!

Typically our Easter celebration includes family from NY and another sister from Jim Thorpe. This year, with travel restrictions, we were our small family unit of five, but we had all the traditions expected with a delicious Easter morning breakfast to a ham and potato dinner.

May included a Mother's Day Afternoon Tea 'to go'. With the lockdown extending longer than expected, plan B for Mother's Day included Afternoon Tea 'to go'. It was all hands on deck for help preparing a complete Afternoon Tea. It was an adventure, but a lot of Mother's and their families enjoyed a special treat in the safe confines of their own homes. 

June included an Afternoon Tea special for members of the Penn Cumberland Garden Club. Garden tours were coordinated throughout the summer, and the tour held at The Rosemary House offered the opportunity to order an Afternoon Tea Garden Party. Members were able to enjoy the tea in the garden, socially distanced of course, or take their boxed tea home to enjoy.

The local church hosted garden tours in July. It was an opportunity to get out of the house, enjoy nature and fresh air, and gather ideas for decorating the garden.
August featured A Sampling of Spanish Tapas with outdoor dining or indoor dining as an option. With limited seating indoors, we were thankful to have the garden patio to provide additional seating. Angelica presented a program on Spain, bouncing back and forth between the indoor seating and the outdoor dining. It was a lovely and extra special event.

More Afternoon Tea events for the family. First up, a Magical Tea at TranquilaTea Tea room in Waynesboro in early August was a special birthday celebration.

While a journey in the other direction took the family to Elizabethtown for another August birthday tea at Manchester Teas and Tarts.

In late August the family took the university student back to Penn State for their covid semester. The students made it thru the semester, mostly hibernating in their dorm rooms and attending zoom classes.

And in September, the youngest started his senior year of high school, Class of '21. A maroon and steel cake was enjoyed after the first day of school. Our senior was on the winning football team, making the start of the school year pretty exciting.

October included decorating the gardens, and hosting two annual Halloween teas. A journey to Penn State to celebrate Angelica's 21st birthday on a crisp fall day was also on the agenda for October.

We welcomed Debbie Harman of Thyme with Debbie for a fall program in October, Cooking with Herbs of the Mediterranean Region. It was a demonstration that included tasting a nice variety of fresh herbs. Debbie will be returning to the tea room for several classes in 2021, Flat Breads and Spreads in March, Grain Bowls in May. Watch our Calendar of Events for updates for these fabulous classes.

In November we hosted our quadrennial Presidential tea event. This event is held every four years, with all the pomp and circumstance befitting a presidential event. We were pleased to welcome Executive Chef John Moeller, author of Dining at the White House. Chef Moeller served at the pleasure of three presidents, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. He shared many interesting stories of his experiences at the White House.

Early December saw a few traditional holiday themed events in the tea room, but another abrupt shutdown mid-December caused us to move to Plan B and offer a final 'to go' tea for the year since supplies had already been purchased for a weekend of tea parties. The culinary Santa crew offered inspiration for the dessert menu. Here's to 2021! May it be all that you hope for!


  1. I would say it looks like a pretty good year even with the COVIC situation. Some wonderful teatimes, plus good family times. Hope you are all staying well.

  2. Enjoyed reading your2020 review. In spite of COVID you managed to stay well and busy. Wishing you and yours the best in 2021.


Thank you for visiting Rosemary's Sampler! We enjoy reading your comments and appreciate the time you take to convey your thoughts with us! We're happy to know you share our love of herbs and tea.